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We’re all in the same community. Whether you’re jumping on a 10’ 90lb or a 17’ 210'lb pole, we all know what it feels like to stand at the back of the runway looking at a new PR. We know what it feels like landing on the mat with the bar still on the pegs. This newsletter is about giving all of us that same feeling. is a reader supported subscription, meaning your support is what keeps this website alive. 5% of all profit gets donated to pole vault clubs and public school track programs

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The author

A bit about me… my name is Nick Neral and I’m currently an avid pole vault fan residing in Central Florida. I started pole vaulting at the age of 14, my Freshman year of high school. By the time I was 16, I had jumped 15’6” and then I jumped a 16’ bar during my Senior year of high school…but sadly we all know practice bars don’t really count. I was a three time state champion in Maryland, competed at New Balance Nationals and even the Millrose Games (high school pole vault division).

Nick (me) competing at the 2015 Maryland state championships

From my Freshman year of high schoool on, I became obsessed with pole vault. The local newsletter wrote a cover story on me titling it "Student of the Sport.” My passion continued to college where I went to the University of Tennessee and University of Akron. After my freshman year, I decided to focus on my education but remained in the sport as a pole vault coach for a high school nearby the University of Akron. At that high school, I had one of the top boys duos in the state, one of which went on to jump in college.

I was incredibly fortunate to compete against some of the most well known names in today’s pole vault world, including Mondo Duplantis. I hope you enjoy this newsletter as I aim to help young pole vaulters enhance their passion for the sport and keep the rest of us up to date with the latest news and information about what’s going on.

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PR: 16' on a 16’ 190lb 3X Maryland State Champion Former D1 Pole Vaulter Currently working in digital health